Partner with us

How To Partner With Us…

 As missionaries with Campus Crusade for Christ and FamilyLife we are totally dependent on God to lead us to others who share the vision of changing our culture by restoring families to the values that make them strong.  Without people to stand with us as prayer and financial partners, our ongoing work at FamilyLife would not be possible.  Neither Campus Crusade nor FamilyLife generates central funds to pay our salary.  We rely completely on the financial support of families like yours for our living and ministry expenses, allowing us to accomplish together what neither of us could do alone.

  Our work is made possible by a team of ministry partners who share our desire to see marriages and families strengthened by the truth in God’s word.  By providing support to ourfamily, you become a vital part of the team that makes our work possible.  Our partners send their contributions to our individual staff account at Campus Crusade for Christ.  Campus Crusade in turn pays our salary, ministry expenses, and benefits out of that account.

The financial support we receive allows us to help FamilyLife fulfill its mission statement, “Effectively developing godly marriages and families who reach the world one home at a time.”  As FamilyLife staff members our commitment to our ministry partners includes:

  • ·     Faithfully investing our lives and talents fully for Jesus Christ.
  • ·     Keeping you informed about our ministry through our monthly newsletter and our website.
  • ·     Being strictly accountable for the use of funds within the policies of Campus Crusade for Christ and the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability.
  • ·     Praying for you and the needs of your family and asking the Lord to richly bless you for your faithful partnership with us (Luke 6:38).

Would you prayerfully consider financially supporting our ministry to families?

  If you would like to give to our ministry with FamilyLife there are several ways your family can become involved in helping us meet our needs and goals.  First of all we need your prayers.  Please pray that all we do will further the mission of reaching couples and families for Christ.  We also need regular financial support.  Many of our Ministry Partners prefer to start giving Online immediately doing an Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT) from their checking account, debit card, or credit card; you will be directed to our secure giving page on Campus Crusade for Christ’s website. 

 It is also possible to give Non-Cash Gifts like stocks, mutual funds, or property.  There is even a way to increase your giving power through Matching Gifts.  If you have any questions, please let us know.  You can reach us by phone at 425-269-9242 or by e-mail at

Have any questions about why we raise our own support? Check out this set of Frequently Asked Questions for more information related to missionary staff with Campus Crusade for Christ and FamilyLife.

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